Allied Healthcare Staffing
MedCadre helps in discovering highly qualified allied healthcare employees from all in-demand specialties and placing them with our associated facilities.
Our Specialties
- Anesthesia technician
- Internal medicine
- Pharmacist
- Ultrasound
- Radiographer
- Therapist
- Social workers
- CT scan (computed tomography scan)
- Mammography
- Echo technologist
- Clinical psychologist
- Surgical technologist
- MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
- Positron-emission tomography (PET)
- Radiologic technologist
Why Us?

Frequently Asked Questions
MedCadre is providing various perks and privileges that physicians should be granted. We provide PPO health insurance, 401k plans, dental and vision protection schemes, as well as all major life insurance plans. Aside from these essential perks, we provide travel costs and per diem benefits to traveling personnel. Sick leave will be accrued at a rate of one hour every thirty hours worked.
It is a fairly simple process to become traveling allied healthcare professional with MedCadre. Check out our career page to see if there are any opportunities in various specializations and facilities around the country. If you are unable to find a suitable job position, please share your resume with us using the "Submit your CV" link, and a representative of our professional team will contact you for further consideration.
No. You will have total control over the length of your contract with a facility for your chosen expertise. You can continue if you need to sign long-term commitments. However, if you're looking for a temporary or short-term job, you can perform per-diem or temporary shifts for various institutions. With a proper conversation with one of our representatives, you may make this word extremely evident.
You can get paid straight from our payroll as a MedCadre employee. Depending on the assignment and facility regulations, we process your money either weekly or hourly.
We welcome your referrals for any of our clients. You can suggest us your friends or colleagues who have experience and qualification for any clinical role. You will get up to $2000 if your friend is recruited for one of our partnering facilities and completes 432 paid working hours. Please send a referral here.
We are working hard to establish long-term business partnerships with large hospitals, local clinics, healthcare centers, labs, pharmacies, and other institutions. As a result, your alternatives for working as a physician will be diverse.