RN - Crisis Intervention (000539)

New York, NY

The Department of Homeless Services (Client) leads a 24/7/365 Street Homelessness Solutions - JointCommand Center (JCC) that conducts inter-agency rapid outreach deployment from a central locationusing precision mapping, client information, and rapid response to incoming notifications. Thisinitiative partners existing homeless response and prevention programs with a series of new initiativesthat have been designed to better identify, engage, and transition homeless New Yorkers toappropriate services and, ultimately, permanent housing.In coordination with the Client Street Homeless Divisions Crisis Coordinators, Client ContractedOutreach Providers, and City Agency Partners, Client is recruiting for ten (10) Staff Nurses to function asCrisis Intervention Nurses in their Joint Command Center, and who will:• Engage the homeless on city streets, subways, and parks and conduct medical, mental health andsafety assessments.• Encourage the street homeless population to seek shelter in New York City. The Client CrisisCoordinators/Outreach Teams and the Crisis Intervention Nurses will conduct canvasses of the streethomeless population, offer services and foster an environment that builds trust and relationships.• Provide the homeless population with needed services by ascertaining if there is a reasonable causeto believe that a homeless individual has a mental illness or medical condition for which immediateobservation, care and treatment in a hospital is appropriate.• Work with Client Crisis Coordinators/Outreach workers as a team that responds to different locationsthroughout the city to conduct street level mental crisis assessments.• Evaluate a person’s mental health condition to determine if such person appears to be mentally illand is conducting himself or herself in a manner which is likely to result in a serious harm orsubstantial risk of physical harm to themselves or others.• Assess a person’s mental health condition to determine if such person manifest homicidal or violentbehavior which places others in reasonable fear of physical harm.• Determine the appropriate mechanism for transporting a person in mental crisis to the appropriateC.P.E.P. (Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program) location, if necessary, with the assistance ofLaw Enforcement (Sheriff’s Department or NYPD),• Collaborate with outreach teams regarding the continuum of care and the appropriate dischargeplanning.1/7/2021 Find Job Openingshttps://hrb.nycaps.nycnet/psp/hcmprd/EMPLOYEE/HRMS/c/HRS_HRPM.HRS_JO_FIND_JOB.GBL?PORTALPARAM_PTCNAV=HC_HRS_JO_FIND_JOB_... 2/3• Provide medical attention to street homeless individuals pursuant to section 9.58 of the MentalHygiene Law.• Initiate the 9.58 process and authorize the immediate removal of or direct the immediate removal ofan individual to a designated C.P.E.P. location.• Document and assess street homeless individuals removed while in the field or in an office settingon the appropriate forms.• Confer with hospital staff and C.P.E.P. clinicians regarding medical assessment and recommendedtreatment. Successfully obtain approval from DOHMH as a clinician operating as a part of a mobilecrisis outreach team.• Maintain and update appropriate records in a timely manner.

Candidates with strong verbal and interpersonal communication skills and those who have takencourses in mental & behavioral health

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