Required Credentials:
2024-25 Flu Documentation
Annual Core Competencies
Candidate Confirmation Form
Clinical References (2)
Color Vision Screening
COVID Requirement
CPR Certification: BLS
Criminal ********* ***** Report
Drug Screen
Education Verification
Employment Authorization
Hep B Titers / Vaccine / Declination
Job Description – Facility
JPEG Photo
License Verification
MMR Titers or Immunizations
NIH Stroke Scale
Photo ID
Skills Check List
TB Testing
Unit Competency
Varicella Titers or Immunization
Additional Info:
General Information
150-180 patients seen daily
Main ED: 33 beds
8 beds for Trauma/Resuscitation
1 pod has 4 Behavioral Health rooms (can covert to Medical)
5 pods are divided 4 rooms and a hall bed
Vertical care: area that we can use - has a waiting room/holding area to start cares, or we use it as Client 3 and Client 4 patients at times. We could also use it as our 6th and 7th pod (higher acuity) depending on the flow of the ED.
Minimum Experience:
RN: 2 years of ED experience EXCLUDING travel experience is most preferred
If they have 1.5 years of ED experience EXCLUDING travel and have 2 years of experience outside of ED, please have CRT send to management team for approval
LPN: 2 years LPN experience in any acute care setting (Medical, BH, or PCU, etc)
If they have 1.5 years of ED experience EXCLUDING travel, please have CRT send to management for approval
Will you accept a first-time traveler?
Travelers must live >100 miles away from any Monument facility
Permanent staff must wait 1 full year to return as a traveler
Patient Types:
Neonates – Geriatric
Minor to critical patients seeking care in the ED, to include but not limited to: Sepsis, DKA, Respiratory Illness; GI bleeds requiring emergent blood products, and banding
HEAVY Trauma population - Level 2 trauma center, we stay busy with trauma’s particularly during the summer months. (Stab wounds, GSWs, MVC’s, drownings and falls.)
Complete Stroke center - can take a person with Stroke s/s up to 24 hours
Travelers are expected to take Sexual Assault patients and are responsible for evidence collection, in rotation with permanent staff – they will not be doing pelvic exams. This would include buccal swabs, fingernail scraping, clothing collection, and interviewing of victims. There is a resource booklet they can use and they also have a SA Quality Coordinator, 24/7, who likes to be called at the beginning of each case and she will answer questions throughout the process. The CRN's and other staff can also assist. Please confirm traveler is comfortable with this during the interview.
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit so we care for the critically ill child.
We do care for multiple cardiac patients and have a cardiac catheter lab.
Triage Nurse who must know sick from not sick and who to care for first. Know Client assessments.
Prioritizing appropriately; critical thinking to know which patient needs are first.
Patient Ratios:
RN: 1:4-5
LPN: 1:4-5
ED Tech: 1:10
Required Certifications:
RN: BLS, ACLS, NIHSS, TNCC and PALS – all required; CPI or MAB/MOAB (preferred)
LPN: BLS, ACLS, NIHSS, and PALS – all required; CPI or MAB/MOAB (preferred)
Required Education:
Completion of a nursing education program that is approved by a board of nursing; Registered Nurse (RN) - South Dakota Board of Nursing
Skills required:
Experience with all patient types above – seek manager approval if a candidate does not have these patient type experiences
Client assessments during Triage
Able to care for all level of patients, using critical thinking, good communication and willing to ask questions, prioritization of care
If traveler has experience outside of this specialty – please include this is your offer details
ICU RN qualified to float to ED
PCU RN qualified to float to ICU
Primary focus will be behavioral health patients.
Secondarily will float through the ED helping with tasks within scope of practice.
Will potentially float to inpatient areas to tasks within scope of practice.
Support on the Unit:
ED Tech (Ratio: 1:10)
Lead Tech
Charge nurse: Day shift and Night Shift cover floor 24/7
Phlebotomy? Yes, 24/7
IV/VAT Team? No
RT are always available in the hospital in the ED.
The ED has 24/7 physician coverage; the hospitalist is used for admitted patients also 24/7 coverage; NP coverage 24/7 as well
Radiology/CAT Scan
Pharm Tech
Security in unit
Charting System/Equipment:
EPIC – please let CRT know if traveler does not have EPIC experience
Floating: If yes, where?
Could float to inpatient Med/Surg, PCU or ICU areas only as a task nurse (not to take an assignment)
Could be floated within scope of practice and below
Orientation: (facility and unit)
8 hours - Facility NEO
4 hours of ED specific education and minimum (2) 12-hour shifts on the unit, if traveler is contracted for 48h/week, they will receive a minimum of (3) 12-hour shifts on the unit
The ED hires in variable shifts, we utilize travelers to fill in our holes.
Shifts Times: 0630-1900,1000-2230,1200-0030, 1400-0200 and 1830-0700 – if working variable shifts, will not work both Days and Nights in the same week
Traveler could potentially work every weekend, depends on staffing. They will be used to fill holes in the perm staff schedule
Will they be On Call?
Holiday Expectations:
Only if needed
Approval of time off? Manager Approval Needed
Reach out to Dayna Gallo for approval
No requests will be considered during the first 3 weeks of August annually – Sturgis Bike Rally
Other notes:
Scrub Color:
Free Parking